Rediscovering creativity and relaunching Little Wing Designs!

Kia Ora Little Wing family, we are back! After a 4 year hiatus I have been rediscovering creativity and relaunched little wing designs my jewellery and art business, if you’ve been following me since the relaunch back in April, you will have noticed i’ve branched out into the world of prints and digital printables. I’ve added stainless steel pendants and some sterling silver to my range as well as changing all my earrings over to hypoallergenic stainless steel.

During lockdown here in New Zealand, me and my girls did lots of drawing and painting, well art in general actually, and i’ve found it so fantastic to rediscover my creativity. I’ve always enjoyed drawing mandala’s and have been inspired for years by the lovely Sarah Vassella (go check her out on Instagram if you haven’t already). So, I took my drawing to the next level creating mandala’s and my now popular design ‘Dandelion Mandala’.

Drawing mandalas is such a therapeutic process, almost like meditation and i’ve loved seeing my drawings and skills improve. My highlight so far is seeing my beautiful drawings engraved on a pendant, and better still that others love it enough to buy them- it honestly blows me away!! Anyway stay tuned for more creativity themed blog posts from me, another area I can’t wait to grow!!



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